7 Main Goals For 2018


We're 7 days into the year and I'm trying hard to keep up with the goals I set myself...  
Having a bullet journal helps with those transitions as I can make sections dedicated to each and every goal in particular keeping track of my progress and motivating me to keep going and not give up... 

Let's get into it shall we?! 

  • Read more - it is my set goal to read all the books I own and haven't read yet before I dive into new ones. I've done a Book Tracker that has each chapter divided in pages and for every time I've read a specific chapter I get to colour it in, making it extra fun to read. I also make sure I don't have too many books at a time and they fall into similar categories - for example, I've been reading a lot about Astronomy so most of my books on the reading list are about this subject. I also have one Art book and one fantasy book to keep things varied. 
  • Learn a new skill - I want to make Astronomy into something more than just reading books, I want to learn how to read the sky and possibly get a telescope for more detailed investigation of the universe - who would've said such thing! 
  • Japanese - I've always wanted to learn how to speak, read and write Japanese which is extremely hard when you do it on your own, but with a lot of motivation and persistence I'm sure I'll get to the end of the year with some basic vocabulary! I have a tracker for the days I study and I've been doing online lessons and working with a workbook at home! 
  • Blog - this year I want to make this space something better, work on the design, logo and even the name. Put more detail into my content and varied subjects. Also some tips and tricks on how to be a blogger without breaking the bank.
  • Beauty No Buy - I want to try really hard not to buy things that I don't need. I have an entire drawer of back up products that I want to go through and all the things that are about to expire need to be used up soon. It all helps saving money for other things like traveling!!
  • Photography - I surely want to master my blog photography, read more about flat lays or general composition and make sure every single shot posted is better than the last! 
  • Explore - traveling is certainly on the list for the upcoming year and starting strong in January with visits to Edinburgh and Manchester, but also I want to explore more around London, visit galleries, go to the theatre, you know how it goes!

I'll be showing you in more detail all the trackers and tabs on my bullet journal but until then here's 7 of my main goals for next year! I can't wait to be busy with wonderful things, learning new skills and spending time with my loved ones! 

Let me know your main goals for the upcoming year and what inspires you to keep going! 

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